Every year, I reserve certain time for workshops, taking the opportunity to enter into a discussion on specialist topics with the participants.
If you should be interested in any events, please contact us.
Previous Seminars
In the past, the following seminars and conference lectures were held
in co-operation with different promoters:
„Termination of Employment - various options from an Employment Law perspective“, RKW Bayern e.V. (Munich, 2010) |
„Termination of Employment - various options from an Employment Law perspective“, RKW Bayern e.V. (Bayreuth, 2009) |
„Termination of Employment“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2009) |
„Termination of Employment - various options from an Employment Law perspective“, RKW Bayern e.V. (Munich, 2008) |
„Topical employment law subjects – Effects of court
rulings on the business practice“ report at a meeting of human resources managers, 2007 |
„The General Act on Equal Treatment – AGG, effects
on the business practice“ In-house seminars, 2006 / 2007 |
„Evening Forum – Employment Law: Alternatives to dismissals“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2006) |
„Termination of Employment“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2006) |
„Basic Employment Law Seminar “, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2006) |
„Termination of Employment“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2005) |
„Time-limited Employment Contracts“, report at a meeting of human resources managers, 2005 |
„Basic Employment Law Seminar “, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2005) |
„Transfer of Businesses, Outsourcing“, report at a meeting of human resources managers, 2005 |
„Evening Forum – Employment Law: Part-Time- and Time-Limited
Employment Act“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2005) |
„Separation from Employees – Approach
from an employment law perspective and dialogues with employees
concerning separation“, (workshop in cooperation with von Rundstedt & Partner, Munich, 2004) |
„Basic Employment Law Seminar “, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2004) |
„Termination of Employment“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2003) |
„Basic Employment Law Seminar“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2003) |
„Transfers of Businesses and Changes in Operations“, DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Personalfuehrung e.V., Munich, 2003) |
„Introduction to Company Pension Schemes – Employment Law Basics“, Euroforum (Munich / Cologne, 2003) |
„Company Pension Schemes – Basics and new regulations – Employment
Law Outline Conditions“, Euroforum (Berlin / Bonn, 2002) |
„Non-Profit-Organizations – Outsourcing and its consequences from
an employment law perspective“, Euroforum (Frankfurt / Stuttgart, 2002) |
„Restructuring of Hospitals – Outsourcing“, |
„Deferred Compensation“, 2nd Handelsblatt Conference on Company Pension Schemes (Potsdam, 2001) |