Kanzlei fuer Arbeitsrecht Schweier
Judgments on employment law matters on the Internet

Our newsletter addresses current cases in employment law on a regular basis and comments on them with regard to: prevention, practice and strategy. You can receive the Newsletter free of charge.

The information and questions addressed on this website can already give you a first overview of decisive aspects of employment law. However, of course you can always turn to the law firm if you should have any further questions. Please simply click on the button Contact.

As employment law is predominantly shaped by court rulings rather than concise laws, the area of “Judgments” is of significant importance.

Describing laws and court rulings in detail for the various areas as well as updating them continuously on the homepage would go beyond its scope.

Please find several sources of general legal information, which may be of interest to you, under Links. It is advisable to contact a lawyer you trust for legal information in specific individual cases.

In the meantime, a substantial number of lawyers in Germany has specialized in employment law and also in other specific areas of law by acquiring the title of a certified expert. You can find a general description of the title of a Certified Employment Law Expert on this homepage under Certified Employment Law Expert.

If you would like to search for a lawyer on the Internet, you can find an established search engine for lawyers under Links as well.